negative/ positivepaste mixing 负/正极混浆
negative foundation paste coating 负极拉底浆
negative paste coating 负极拉浆
coating and sintering 拉浆烧结
the negativeplate cutting 负极裁片
automatic cutting 滚切
classifying by weight 极片分级
re-rolling 复压
smoothing 较平
recircling the belt 复绕
impregnating 浸渍
water boiling水煮
scrubbing the plate刷片
drying 烘干
punch 冲切
round corner 圆角
the first inspection 首检
punched steel belt 穿孔钢带
tab welding (to plate) 点焊极耳
electronic balance 电子天平
winding 卷绕